Analysis of possibilities using lasers illumination witch l ~ 4 mm in systems of IR-observation and optical location

V. G. Karelskiy
NPO "Energomash named after Glushko", Chimki, Mosсow region, Russia

Application of powerful multicoloured HF (DF)-lasers gives the possibility to select radiation wavelengths and energetic illumination extremely meeting the observation conditions and target spectral albedo. Within scientific researches carried out under the aegis of the federal space program of Russia possibilities of observation and location of targets through atmospheric at thier illumination by DF-chemical lasers placed on the satellite were discussed. Laser illumination will allоw, according to calculations, to realize location and illumination in the near-earth atmosphere and on the earth surface in limited visibility: at night, through the fog, smoke or haze. Calculated requirements to an illuminating laser for different conditions and variants of building transceiver systems including one-position and two-position ones were obtained.
