Applied physics
N 2, 2003

Pulse-periodic selfinitiated volume discharge on the mixture argon/elegas

A. K. Shuaibov, L. L. Shimon, I. V. Shevera, A. I. Dashchenko
Uzhgorod National University, Uzhgorod, Ukraine

   The results of investigation pulse-periodic volume discharge on mixture Ar/SF6 under the presure of <= 1 kPa are presented in this paper. A volume discharge in the system of electrodes "spheric anode — plan cathode" with a interelectrode distance of 3 cm was formed by means of the development of attachment instability of plasma. Space and volt-amper characteristics of a discharge, spectra of plasma radiation, resource characteristics of radiation band which l = 193 nm ArF(B-X) and temporary parameters of tension, current and summary radiation of discharge plasma in the spectral range 200—700 nm were studied investigated.
