яю<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Photoreceivers with thermoelectric coolers for 3 5 and 10 12 <font face="symbol">m</font>m spectral region <title>APPLIED PHYSICS N 6, 2003</title> </head> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFEE"> <BR> <H1 ALIGN="CENTER">APPLIED PHYSICS </H1> <H3 ALIGN="CENTER">THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL JOURNAL </H3> <HR color="#000000"> <table border=0 width=100%><P> <tr><td ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=33%><b>No. 6</b></td> <td ALIGN="CENTER" WIDTH=33%><b>Founded in 1994</b></td> <td ALIGN="RIGHT"><b>Moscow 2003</b></td></tr> </TITLE> </HEAD> </table> <HR <HR color="#000000"> <BR> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFEE"> <CENTER> <P><FONT SIZE=4><B> Photoreceivers with thermoelectric coolers for 3 5 and 10 12 <font face="symbol">m</font>m spectral region </B></FONT></P> <P><i>B. Sh. Barkhalov </i><BR> Institute of Photoelectronics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan <P> <B><I><P ALIGN="JUSTIFY"> &nbsp;&nbsp; It have been designed, manufactured and tested the photoreceivers for a spectral region 3 5 <font face="symbol">m</font>m (IFE-1) and 10 12 <font face="symbol">m</font>m (IFE-2) with a built-in thermoelectric coolers. As a material for photosensitive elements single crystals of cadmium mercury tellurium solid solution of certain compositions were used. The testing have shown, that the photoreceivers are inconvertible against vibration in a frequency band from 10 up to 2500 Hz at acceleration up to 10 g, repeated shocks at a loading up to 15 g and duration of a shock impulse from 1 up to 5 <font face="symbol">m</font>s, single shock at peak acceleration 100 g and pulse length 0,1 2 <font face="symbol">m</font>s. </B></I></P> <P> <CENTER><A HREF="03-6-e.htm"><IMG BORDER=0 SRC="back.gif"></A> Contents</CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>