No. 6 Founded in 1994 Moscow 2003

Application of I—V precise graphs for IR-photoconductors characterization Part II. Influence of heat treatment on CMT photoconductors properties

L. I. Diakonov
The Federal State United Enterprise "Alpha", Moscow, Russia

   The influence of heat treatment of photoconductor detectors (PC), manufactured from bulk CdхHg1-х (CMT) by "standart" technology was investigated. PC were annealed in the temperature range from +60 to +100 °C. The photosensetive parameters of both as manufactured and anneled PC were measured. Volt-amper characteristics (VAC) and dependences R - U of an individual PC were measured precisely as the dinamics of they evolution after annealings. On heat treatment intesity rise the voltaic reponsivity lowers reaching zero value as the limit. Simultaneously R - U plots are changed from V-shape to Л-shape for the PC that have lost completely they IR-sesitivity. The most of all heat treatment affects those PC which have the highest dark resistivity i. e. the lowest CMT thickness and the lowest density of uncompensated residient donors in it.
