(Applied Physics)

The Scientific and Technical Journal

2016, No. 2 Founded in 1994. Moscow

Neutron yield from hot deuterium plasma

A. Yu. Chirkov, V. R. Vesnin, and V. V. Dolganov

Bauman Moscow State Technical University
5 2-nd Baumanskaya, Moscow, 105005, Russia

Received March 14, 2016

Consideration is given to the possibility on neutron generation in the D–D plasma. The advantage of D–D-reaction is that one doesn’t need for an external tritium source. The 14 MeV neutrons can be produced due to burn of tritium produced in D–D reaction. The effect of a small amount of lithium is considered that it improves the energy balance of D–D fusion. From the Lawson criterion viewpoint, optimal lithium to deuterium density ratio is 0.3—0.4. Yield in neutrons with 14 MeV is about 50 % by the addition of lithium-6 and about 35 % by the addition of lithium-7. Temperature of 100 keV is re-quired. Therefore plasma pressure must be approximately equal to the magnetic pressure for this type of fusion fuel. Powerful neutral beam injection can be used to increase the reaction rate. Plasma power gain Q ~ 1 can be achieved at electron temperature of about 100 keV and deuteron injection energy of about 2 MeV.

PACS: 28.52.Cx, 52.50.Gj

Keywords: fusion plasma, fast neutrons, deuterium, lithium, neutral beam injection.

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