Applied physics
N 1, 2003

Some features of ICR heating plasma flow by electrode-capacitance and solenoidal antennas

V. I. Volosov, V. V. Demenev, A. G. Steshov, I. N. Churkin
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia

   Plasma separation process of heavy mass elements (A ~120—200 a. e.) by ICR-heating method is realized by HF electrical fields at ion cyclotron frequency in uniform magnetic field (DB/В~5*10-3). Some features of ICR heating of "narrow" plasma flow by electrode-capacitance and solenoidal antennas are considered. Model calculations of ICR-heating process in "narrow" plasma flow at single particle approximation are presented. The problems of ion separation for considered antennas are discussed.
