Applied physics
N 3, 2003

About an opportunity of a light magnetic monopole, which is capable to influence on weak couplings

G. Lochak
Louis de Broglie Foundation, Paris, France

   We show that there is room, in the Dirac equation, for a massless leptonic magnetic monopole. The basic idea is that the Dirac equation admits a second electromagnetic minimal coupling associated with the chiral gauge exp(ig5q),which is only valid for a massless particle, but satisfies the symmetry laws predicted by Pierre Curie for a monopole. In the problem of the diffusion on a central electric field, we find (both in classical and in quantum formalism) the Poincare equation. We find the Dirac relation in a new form: eg/c = m'h , where m'h is the projection of the total angular momentum on the symmetry axis defined by the magnetic and the electric charges. The angular motion of this system is exactly the one of a quantum symmetric top with a motion "a la Poinsot". Finaly, it is shown that, in the case if m' is an integer (the total moment is then n+1/2), such a monopole is a magnetically excited state of the neutrino, and it is suggested that this monopole can play the same role as the neutrino, in the weak interactions, which could be the case in the recent low energy transmutations observed by Urutskoev's group and confirmed by Kuznetsov's group.
