Applied physics
N 3, 2003

Рeculiarities of diffusion p—n-transition formation in СdxНg1-xТe graded-band-gap epitaxial structures

A. P. Vlasov, V. K. Pysarevsky, A. V. Shevchenko
Ivan Franko National University, Physical Department, Lviv, Ukraine

A.Yu. Bonchyk
Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of NASU, Lviv, Ukraine

A. Barcz
Institute of Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

   Investigation results of graded-band-gap photosensitive epitaxial structures based on CdxHg1-xTe of n-type doped by As are presented. The diffusion profiles of the As distribution were determined by the SIMS analysis. Effective diffusion coeficients of As at Т = 550 °С in the single CdxHg1-xTe crystals with a negligiable composition gradient in the diffusion area. Spectral and current-voltage characteristics of the graded-band-gap structures have been investigated. The obtained results exhibit a high electroactivity of As in the investigated regions of the samples.
