(Applied Physics)

The Scientific and Technical Journal

2016, No. 2 Founded in 1994. Moscow

Investigation of a surface modification of the melamine formaldehyde (MF-R)
microparticles in complex plasma

A. V. Semenov, A. L. Pergament, A. I. Scherbina, and A. A. Pikalev

Petrozavodsk State University
33 Lenin Str., Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, 185910, Russia

Received February 20, 2016

A surface modification of the melamine formaldehyde (MF-R) microparticles (with a diameter of 4.12±0.09 microns) was studied. The particles were treated in a direct current glow discharge in neon, argon and argon-oxygen mixture (Ar - 90%, O2 - 10%) for 10, 20, 40 and 60 minutes. The microparticles were placed in ordered plasma-dusty structures with subsequent extraction. Atomic force microscopy studies of the surface profile are presented. Quantitative data on the surface layer destruction and aspects of its modification are discussed. Amount of substance removed from the particle surface for the exposure time was calculated using the fractal analysis method.

PACS: 52.27.Lw, 82.35.Lr, 68.35.Ct, 68.37.Ps

Keywords: complex plasma, ordered dusty plasma structures, microparticles surface modification, fractal analysis.

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