(Applied Physics)

The Scientific and Technical Journal

2016, No. 2 Founded in 1994. Moscow

Photoconverter of IR images with a sub-micron gas-filled cell and phosphor

Kh. T. Yuldashev, Sh. S. Kasymov, and Z. Khaidarov

Fergana Polytechnic Institute
78/14 Fergana str., 150107, Fergana, Uzbekistan

Received February 29, 2016

Consideration is given to experimental results on the gas emission and luminescent screen for a photoconverter of IR images with a sub-micron gas-filled cell and phosphor. A radiation intensity is measured at different values of discharge gap (d = 10—100 microns) and gas pressure (P = 5—120 Torr). The photoconverter of ionizing type was used with a semi-insulating GaAs electrode. The output signal has been produced by the photoelectric multiplier tube (FEU-19A) at measuring.

PACS: 52.80.-s

Keywords: converter, photoelectric, transformative and outside characteristics, luminescent screen, photoelectron multiplication circuit, silicic filter.

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