Applied physics
No. 1, 2002

Applicability of the DF-laser for detection
of aerosolic-and-gaseous ejections

G.G. Matvienko, I.V. Ptashnik, O.A. Romanovsky,
O.V. Kharchenko, V.S. Shamanov

Institute for atmosphere optics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Tomsk, Russia

   The estimates of possibility of using the DF-laser in an onboard lidar for the check an aerosol and gas composition of atmosphere are given in this paper. Specifications on development of the onboard lidar system are simultaneously formulated. With the help of a DF- lidar the examination of aerosolic stub lines is possible at aerosol concentration of 0.05 mg/m3 and less in a mode of statistical accumulation. Usage of optimum pairs of the DF-laser waves will allow to measure the background and above-ground (ejection) concentrations of H2O, CO2, CH4, N2O, SO2 and HCl with errors less than 20% on routes from 1 up to 15 km by operation on the topographical purpose (the energy of laser radiation is 1 - 20 J).
