N 2, 1999

The foreword

The foreword

The XV-th International scientific and technical conferences on photoelectronics engineering, electronic and ion plasma technologies was held in Moscow on 28-30 October, 1998. The organizer of this conference was the ORION Research-and-Production Association, a state unitary enterprise and a state scientific center of the Russian Federation. Seven years has passed from the moment of realization of the previous XIV-th All-Union meetings on photoelectric semiconducting and thermal receivers of a radiation (the first meeting was organized in 1962). The conference has summarized almost of ten years' period of researches and development in one from priority areas of a modern science and engineering. The experts from leading scientific establishments of Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Kiev, Baku, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Nizhni Novgorod etc. made more than 110 reports on the most actual problems of opto- and photoelectronics engineering, optical instrument.

Almost 50 years the ОRION develops and makes gears for application in engineering of night vision, thermovision and thermobearing finding, range finding, photometry measurements, fiber-optical communication lines etc. The processes of reorganization in a science and optical industry happening recently are well known. They have considerably affected also the area of photoelectronics engineering. The process of clarification of scientific and technical priorities in development of base technologies of photoreceivers, creation of new means of a reception and processing optical images, microelectronics, electronic and ion plasma methods of affect on a surface of various materials was actively happened.

The issue of the Applied Physics journal, offered to the readers, is devoted completely to new receivers of a radiation of ranges of a spectrum from ultra-violet up to infra-red, researches of limiting performances night and thermovision equipment. The significant part of the issue is made with the articles by results of creation of CdHgTe and PbSe focal plane arrays in the area of spectrum at 3-5 and 8-14 microns. The data on photoreceivers with number of elements 4x48, 2x96, 4x128, 64x64, 128x128, 384x288 for IR imageries and systems with scanning working in a mode of temporary delay and accumulation are offered. Their development actually opens perspectives of creation of a new generation of thermovision and thermobearing finding equipment with higher performances. The properties of IR imager based on 128x128 focal plane array from CdHgTe (for the first time created in the ОRION) are circumscribed.

The part of the articles is devoted to the last outcomes in the field of creation of ruled (one-dimensional) photoreceivers from PbS, InSb, CdHgTe, uncoiled bolometric (thermodetectoric) receivers and to p-i-n photodiodes from silicon.

The creation highly sensitive receivers of a near-IR range have allowed conducting development of a new class of equipment for medical diagnostics because of spectral analysis of an exhaled air. The joint work of the General Physics Institute and the ОRION is devoted to these problems.

Papers make the final part of the issue on gears of night vision with use of election-optical converters.

The articles, represented in this issue, do not include all subjects of the reports made on conference. In consequent of the issue we also hope to publish works on the most actual theoretical and applied problems of microphotoelectronic, electronic and ion plasma technologies.

Professor V.P. Ponomarenko


Contents of the journal down to 1997